Just Arrived Data I/O 2900 Programmer. I Will be Checking this out and Taking it apart soon check back often.

Data I/O 2900 Cover Removed

Unboxing Video

On August 10th, I briefly tested the 2900. It powers on and appears to boot. I created boot disks using a USB floppy drive, trying both V3.8 and versions up to V9.5, but had no success. It seems I may need to use a real floppy drive instead. When the 2900 boots, the floppy drive seeks but remains stuck on the Self Test.

So, here’s the plan: I’ll locate another 3.5″ floppy drive to test. While I wait, I’ve ordered a Gotek Floppy Emulator, which I’ve read on the Data I/O groups should work with the 2900. Hopefully, it’s just a floppy issue, and the Gotek will do the trick. I’m uncertain if the emulator will need to be flashed with FlashFloppy, but regardless, I plan to get a Mass Storage Module for faster boot times and Reliability.

Additionally, Without a working floppy, I’m unsure what version of firmware is on this 2900. To find out, I would need to pull the two PLCC flash chips and read them to see if I can figure it out. The 2900 needs to be at least on version V3.8 or V6.1 to load the MSM. Fortunately, someone in the groups has already uploaded backups of version V9.4. Removing the PLCC chips, installing sockets, and reflashing them shouldn’t be a problem.

Before Shelving this unit I will prob pull the flash chips 28F010 and see what version of firmware is on this Data I/O 2900. I Only have one 32 Pin PLCC socket left so ill need to order some more but would be wise to socket them for the future.

September 8th 2024,  I tried booting with the Flash Floppy it was a NO-GO, Programmer accesses it briefly but gives a disk boot error.  I am Not sure if I have a bad floppy and also the flash floppy config wrong “just running on defaults” or both maybe the FDD Controller.

Data I/O 2900 Serial Cable Pinout Wired DTE

Using a Terminal Program Tera Terminal, and With a Disk In Original Floppy and in the Gotek (Disk boot err)

With out a Disk (Disk pen err)

Programmer will reboot when ESC + CTRL + W, so there’s some sign of life.

The Factory Floppy is a Teac FD235HF 65xx here is how it was strapped. (This is WRONG) but the drive was still bad.

September 13th 2024 I had some motivation need to clear some thoughts and revisited this 2900 and started messing with the flash floppy and the configuration and was able to get it working.

When funding allows I will still try a Mass Storage Module

When It first Booted it it showed was on Version 5.10 I Updated to V9.5

After the Reboot Showing 2900 Screen and Self Test

Main Screen Showing Update to 9.50 Successful.

After 1 More Reboot Says Boot Complete.

Preformed a Self Test Takes a Very Long time. But this Programmer Passed all Checks.

Here is MY Flash Floppy FF.CFG File (Soon)

Main Board Top Side.

2900 Main Board Bottom Side

2900 Main Board Bottom Side Simms Removed.

The issue may be the FDD Controller A 44pin PLCC chip WDC WD37C65CJM would not be difficult to change.

The ST Chip is a TS68000CFN8 HMOS 16/32bit MCU
ATT3030-70M84 Chip I believe it is an FPGA.
2 Chip with Stickers will assume are PAL’s.

Factory SIMM’s

Maybe More Later.

Last Updated on September 13, 2024 by Steven Rhine