Segger Flasher 5 (Legacy) Teardown A Look Inside (Way Back Machine Link)
This is an older Flasher 5 Programming tool for ST9 and Renesas M16C/20, M16C/62, M16C/80, M38 and M79 series of Flash Microcontrollers in serial mode I wish it was a Rev 3 for the RC/8 Support But you get what you can get when you can get it. It got the Job done! Backing up the Hakko FM-202 Firmware. I am Not sure if it could be upgraded to Rev 3 hardware. If anyone has a rev 3 please please send me some photos.
Here is What it looks like inside the Segger Flasher 5
Removal of the Flasher M16 Board (This Board serves as an Interface Board tailored for the M16 Family of Microcontrollers.)
Close Up Of the Flasher M16 Board Top and Bottom
Block Diagram of the Interface Board form Manual not sure if its the same as the M16 Above.
Flasher 5 Main Board Top (Programming Header Pinout ?)
ISP Pinout of the Flasher 5 R1
Main Board Bottom of the Flasher 5 R1
Flasher 5 QFP 100pin Microcontroller Renesas M16C/62 Group M30620FCMFP 128K Flash.
M30 620 (F)lash (C)128K Rom (M)NA (FP)100P6S-A
The Flash Memory TSOP48 29LV400 Flash.
Communications / Power
Max3221 Serial Chip
Power Supply: LM317 Regulator Voltage In “up to 24V DC” (Output is 8.5V), MAX884 LDO Regulator (Output is 3.3V), L272D Op Amp (Unknown Use Prob Used to Generate 12V for 12V Devices).
Screen Shot of the Segger Flasher 5 Software
Would be Nice to have a R3 but these are hard to locate. A or a Flasher PRO XL would be cool to mess with but still would not be capable of some of the devices.
Update History.
October 2006 Introduced Rev 3:
Flasher 5 rev. 3 comes with 2MByte Flash to store target data.
This allows programming of all RENESAS CPUs with more than 512KB Flash when Software 1.96a or above is used. All Flasher 5 with series number above 51584 can be upgraded by just using the new Flasher software.
December 2007:
Support for RENESAS R32C and R8C added.
March 2008:
Support for RENESAS R8C/28, R8C29, M16C/64, M16C/65, M16C/6s added.
April 2008:
Support for RENESAS M16C/28B, M3062LFGPFP, M3062LFGPGP added.
Hope this teardown helps the person that requested it..
I Requested Schematics From Segger Aug 21st 2023 This Was The Response, Another Repair Tool Company that Don’t Support The Right to Repair. Trade Secret? Still Spewing that Line LOL! Note this was for a device long out of production more then 15 years. What It was a standard anti repair F-U if your device breaks buy a new one no repair options and no documents available. So what if you brought a new-one at $1,300 – $1,600 What happen after the 1 year warranty? what happens if you have an accident or a slip and break the device? No repair options not even form the factory!
Yes, the Newer Flashers price range is $1,300 to $1600 after shipping and tax and they do not support the devices the older flashers do so really would be useless for the target device it was intended for.
August 28th 2023 I received a follow up e-mail there may be some hope that Segger may actually support the right to repair. Lets hope the Segger the support engineer was actually correct. We shall see, but have my reservations. It should not be this hard to obtain documentation for a device that has been out of production for more then 10 years.
March 10th, 2024. I decided yes, I am going to pull the TSOP and read it.
Once again, I took the plunge and acquired another Flasher 5 from Feebay, listed for Parts and Repair. Despite its bargain price, it arrived in a non-functioning state. Regrettably, it seems this will be a project for another day. Cannot win them all…
Unboxing Ebay Flasher 5 Gamble!
I did get a Segger Flasher Pro 5.17.01 per the recomendation, I did e-mail Segger asking them to add 12V device support for the M38039FFFP to the Flasher Pro My request was Denied LOL! Yes that Works Sorry we do not Repair these, Nor will they provide schematics (Update 05/11/2004 Segger has provided Partial Schematics) or firmware and you need to Upgrade to the Flasher Pro that will not support devices the legacy flasher 5 supports and we will not add the device support because it is old device lol. Got it!
Makes me I wonder Why they put “In case you require 12V operation, please contact us.” if they will not support the older 12V Devices?
To successfully read the Known Good MCU M30620FCMFP from the operational Flasher 5, it’s crucial to employ the right tools, such as the Xeltek IS01 or the Flasher Pro. Specifically, Renasas devices require an ID code to be present in the buffer for reading to be successful. Regrettably, I don’t possess the necessary code. Although it might be possible to read in parallel mode out of circuit using the Xeltek Superpro 6100N or the Superpro 7500 with out a code, it’s highly probable that the device is also protected/locked or some block of code will be locked for reading in this situation. I should still be able to Read the TSOP. (Example Info of an MCU in this Family)
I E-mailed once again for Schematics and Firmware, Crickets From Segger Microcontroller.
(Update: 05/08/2024) Almost a year later I have Received Some Schematics form Segger a BIG Thank You.
I had already started testing the DOA Flasher 5. Removed the flash chip a 28LV400 I Test it and Backup it up with the Xeltek 6100N. I am not sure if this stores any firmware as it or just the flash that stores the target program? The 28LV400 flash chip read and verified with the Xeltek 6100N the checksum was CA9H There was no Usefull Info in the Hex Dump No Firmware version or Serial Number prob just target data, I Plan to do the same with the M30620FCMFP as soon as liquid project funding or time allows.
May 11th Update I messed with the Flasher 5 R1 Since Segger Refused to provide firmware.. I was able to get a download with my other flasher 5 Using ID Bytes “0 0 0 0 0 0 0” sadly most the blocks on the MCU are locked return FF it seems as if it is not brain dead but may have a corrupt flash so will revisit after I do some further testing on the power supply and replace a dead RS232 Chip.
May 17 2024
A Big Shoutout to Segger Microcotroller they have now Provided all the Schematics for my Flasher 5 R1 and a Copy of the Production Firmware. I have not had time to test it yet maybe in a couple weeks when things settle down and get some time to revisit this project.
June 2024
I have ordered and received Replacement M30620FCMFP MCU as I Believe this one may be dead or Corrupt I have not tried yet to reload it. I wanted to attempt a read in parallel mode I made an Adapter board but was shipped the incorrect TSOP Socket so I have to change the footprint on the PCB.
I had some time and removed the MCU
Replaced and Reprogrammed The MCU and It Now has serial communications and 1st error Was Lost Set Up but I updated it to current firmware and it went away.
Then upon reboot it gave it was good Same Serial # as the 1st one. Install the Flasher M16 Board and it Gives an Error 58: DAC for Vpp not calibrated I will message segger to see if there is a calibration procedure.
This repaird flasher 5 R1 seems to function with this initial error. I know both the Flasher M16 Board’s work because I tested it in the know good working unit.
Last Updated on July 15, 2024 by Steven Rhine
[…] Segger Flasher 5 (Legacy) Teardown […]
[…] much in this due to my experience with Segger Microcontroller Systems on #rightorepair on the older Segger Flasher 5 (R1) Legacy and their Anti Repair Practices but I ended up requiring one so had to get […]
[…] are My Segger Flashers, Segger Flasher Pro, Flasher Portable Plus, and Legacy Segger Flasher 5 R1, I have another Flasher 5 R1 but had dead MCU I have the replacement MCU’s just need to find […]