Shop – Miller 250DX Pulser & Sequencer Boards For Sale
I have added a buy now links below, or you can message me at 360 –9 7 5– 3165 and I will be happy to send you an invoice if…
Blog Info, Updates, and Contact Info
Blog Info & Updates Reminder That This is a Living Blog and Blog Posts Are Subject to Edits and Changes! November 2023, the site experienced a crash, prompting the need…
RIP SIS … Christy Rain Rhine – Kidder/Grimes you left this world at 8:55pm on Feb 07th. 1979/1980 1982/1983 Photo Christmas 1991. You are now at rest!
WA Senate Testimony.. No Props Allowed, He Does it Every Year! LOL!
Washington Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology Testimony.. On Right To Repair. No Props Allowed, He Does it Every Year! LOL! MY SHOP IS MY PROP!! Using a prop…
Testify Washington House HB1483 Right To Repair
This is My 3rd time testifying in font of law makers. As a Small independent repair shop, the right to repair is essential to our success or failure in the…
Pajero Mini Junior AISIN MR195407 MR195408 and MR246350 TCU Pinouts
Mitsubishi Pajero Mini Junior AISIN MR195407 MR195408 and MR246350 Daihatsu 89530-87507 Transmission Control Unit Pinouts, There may be others but these are the ones I I see often. This Page…
EEtools Topmax 2 II Universal Chip Programmer Teardown
I’ve been wanting to add an EE Tools Topmax II Universal Programmer to my chip programmer farm for quite some time. It’s device list says supports a selection of older…
Another Data I/O 29B Chip Programmer Will It Work?
I was Browsing Ebay I came across This Data I/O 29B Chip Programmer It was Missing the Unipack Seller had it’s condition listed as “used and tested/works” I did not…
3D Printed Data I/O 29B Programmer Prom Shield Cover
I’ve noticed that many Data I/O 29B units for sale are missing their PROM shield covers. Fortunately, all of mine still have them! However, for anyone in need, I’ve taken…
3D Print BPM Microsystems SM84UP Aries Electronics 1110832 Inserts
BPM Microsystems SM84UP And The Data IO TOP84PLC Aries Electronics 1110832 Inserts The two adapters uses the Aries Electronics 84-537-21 Socket, I think there are other adapters that use the…
Cami Research M3U (FPX) and Firmware V1.23 Backup Attempt
I had come across another Cami Research M3U this one with the M3A FEX Expansion for a total of 280 test points and Just had to snag it. This ebay…
Upcoming News: Is BPM Microsytems Anti Repair?
Upcoming Story: Is BPM Microsystems Anti-Repair? Are They Illegally Voiding Warranties? Check back soon—you might be surprised! ——- Content Hidden ——-